Designated Realtor Application


Please select one of the member options below. 

Read the description and select which membership type best suits your needs based on where you are licensed. Selecting the wrong application type may delay the application processing time.

Select An Option

A Designated REALTOR joining BTVAR as their primary board, TN REALTORS as their primary state board and Virginia REALTORS as their secondary state board. 

A Designated REALTOR joining BTVAR as their primary board and is licensed in VA only.

A Designated REALTOR joining BTVAR as their primary board and is licensed in TN only. 

A Designated REALTOR who is primary with another local association but wishes to join BTVAR as a secondary member. 

REALTORS who are seeking primary membership with BTVAR but are currently a member at another association. 

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist